Over 100 volunteers at Nemo Science Museum enjoyed testing the 3D ultrasound MURAB technology and helped researchers to improve care for people with muscle diseases.
From 20 to 26 August 2018 part of the MURAB Team moved to Nemo Science museum (Amsterdam) for the annual Nemo Science Live, an educational and entertaining festival for children and families.
7 Days at Nemo Science Live where researchers from project Partner MUSIC Medical Ultrasound Imaging Centre at Radboud Medical University performed live measurements with 3D ultrasound of the front lower leg muscle. During the scans volunteers were asked to do some simple tasks as lifting and relax their foot. An interesting and enjoyable activity for children and families, which involved totally 123 volunteers.
Not only researchers, but also children were able to be the doctor and scan their parents, which both the children and parents enjoyed. All visitors had the opportunity to learn and experience something about imaging and medicine, and get some sense of current medical research:
– Learn about ultrasound basics;
– See some robotics;
– Experience being a subject in medical research;
– Experience what it’s like to perform research from the researcher or doctor’s perspective.
The researchers involved in the activity were; Leon de Jong, Anton Nikolaev, Anna Greco, Nienke Klaassen and Thomas van Steenbergen.
MURAB at NEMO Museum Amsterdam