On May 17th and 18th 2018 we had a project meeting in Vienna where we discuss MURAB results and planned the future steps of the project. It was a fruitful meeting and a good opportunity to strengthen the collaboration between each institution. The meeting was hosted by one of the consortium members: the Medical University of Vienna. MURAB Project started at January 2016 and is now entering the second half of the third year.Full gallery available at the MURAB Facebook Official pageBelow the list of the participants.University of TwenteVincent GroenhuisFrançoise SiepelFerdi van der HeijdenMarcel WelleweerdUniversity of VeronaMartina DoppioBogdan MarisEleonora TagliabueRadboud university medical centerLeon de JongAnton NikolaevMedical University of ViennaThomas HelbichZGT – Stichting Ziekenhuis Groep TwenteJeroen VeltmanKUKAUwe ZimmermannJuan David Munoz OsorioSiemensWouter Nijhof